Sunday, October 10, 2010

The day I made my decision...

It was on October 17, 2007 when I put my LAST RELAXER in my hair. I remember I was in Atlanta, Georgia visiting my friend India Nichols for her Morehouse/Spelman Homecoming. After speaking with her about her plans to go natural and the reasons of her decision I started to think about it me. Thinking about how damaged my hair was even though it was long and how I started noticing a short spot in the middle of my head! And that’s when it hit me… Maybe I should give this natural thing a try, so on my drive back home I really put thought into what, how, and will this actually work for ME!?! I told myself “If it doesn’t I can always put a relaxer back in.


  1. This blog is well thought of.. Knowing this person makes it even better and understanding where she is coming from.. She is an amazing girl and has the biggest heart.. Not only does she care about her self she cares about others close to her.. Keep doing what you are doing ;)..

  2. Kelby you are amazing and thank you so much for your heart felt words. It really means a lot to me to hear you say the things that you did. I value our friendship more than you will ever know.

    Love, PingPong :-)
